
Our Services

As we work extensively in the field of renewable fuels, our services encompass the entire breadth from research, testing to building plants & providing consultancy for emerging requirements.


We work in the field of renewable energy and fuels

Testing & Laboratory services

Well-equipped testing and research lab with team of dedicated researchers and scientists. To test oils, fuels & other chemicals for study and provide customized solutions.

Plant & Process design development

We design, develop, install and commission the plant as per the clients need.

Support & Troubleshooting

Our Support is backed by a dedicated team of engineers & researchers. We undertake projects to fix / improve existing plants provided by different suppliers.

Carbon Refining Process
pyrolysis Plant Video

Our Specialization

With over 25 years of experience in research & specialty in renewable fuels, we have undertaken various projects for our clients & delivered best in class solutions. Backed with a strong engineering team & infrastructure, we do turnkey projects & pilot plants for new fuel developments.


Research is our mainstay & been the driving force for our organisation. Our research work in fuels has powered many path breaking solutions to convert harmful waste into usable fuel with negligible impact on environment


We offer services to test various materials & end products to enable our clients in making prudent decisions.

Plant Design

Backed with our research data & an expert team of engineers we design plants for pyrolysis, gasifiers, fuel distillation, pyro char refining & Ash removal plants.

Waste to Fuel

We are passionate & committed to heal the planet by eliminating harmful waste & converting them into usable fuels with minimum impact to our environment. Trye, Plastic, Agro waste, Bio waste conversion to fuel is something we specialise in

New Development

Our constant endeavour to derive fuels from various materials has propelled us to work in some interesting areas like Bagasse to bio diesel, methane to Hydrogen & Carbon black. The cornerstone for all our new developments is to ensure maximum optimization of resources & being environment positive.

Plant Automation

With in-house expertise in technology solutions & collaboration with some of the best plant automation service providers, we bring to the fore state of the art plant automation & analytics solution. This ability enables our client to run the plant in the most efficient manner & operate in safe environment. All our plants are CE certified to provide best in class safety & environment friendly

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